


7pm Auditions: Clue on Stage






10am Sweatin' to Showtunes







9am SOTI: Beatrix's Best Bunnies and Other Garden Friends

7:30pm Chicken & Biscuits


10am Sweatin' to Showtunes

7:30pm Chicken & Biscuits


2:30pm Chicken & Biscuits





9am SOTI: Seuss on Stage - Think and Wonder

7:30pm Chicken & Biscuits


9am SOTI: Seuss on Stage - Think and Wonder

7:30pm Chicken & Biscuits


10am Sweatin' to Showtunes

7:30pm Chicken & Biscuits


2:30pm Chicken & Biscuits






Kansas Community Theatre Festival

3pm Jungle Book kids


Kansas Community Theatre Festival

10am Sweatin' to Showtunes








10am Sweatin' to Showtunes







6pm Imagine A Dragon (youth troupe performance)


10am Sweatin' to Showtunes

6pm Imagine A Dragon (youth troupe performance)


Frequently Asked Questions

We strive to make your experience attending events at TL fun and memorable. Of course, you may have questions, especially if this is your first time visiting us. Here are some frequently asked questions. 

Click one of these links below to jump to a general topic:

Tickets and arriving

Is seating reserved, or general admission?

Most TL events have reserved seating. Occasional special events may be general admission. If so, that information will be stated in the event description.

What time should I arrive? What if I am late?

Performances begin at the time advertised. We recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before curtain to make sure you have time to park, visit the bar, use the restroom, and find your seat. If you are late, you will be seated at the discretion of the house manager at a time that does not disrupt other patrons or the performance. Latecomers may be seated in locations other than those for which they hold tickets. There is a closed-circuit TV in the lobby for late comers or those who must exit during the performance.

I can’t find my ticket, what do I do!?

If you purchased tickets online, you should be able to retrieve your ticket by going to our ticketing page and click “My Account”. You will be asked for your email address and sent a login link. After that you will be able to see all your transitions and can select your ticket delivery option.

You may also ask for your tickets to be re-printed at the box office. We can look up your order and re-print them or send them directly to your phone.

I can’t make it, can I get a refund on my ticket?

All ticket sales are final. We understand that sometimes last-minute things come up and patrons can’t make their reservations. If this happens please contact the box office immediately to see if we can exchange your tickets to another performance of the same show. Exchange requests must be made at least 1 hour prior to show time, exchanges are not possible after the show has started. We can not change tickets to a different show.

We can also convert your ticket into a donation. TL is a 501 (c)(3) exempt organization, so your donation may qualify as a tax deduction. This request MUST be made prior to show time.

What about bad weather?

Performances are canceled only in extreme weather emergencies. Exchanges for another performance or refunds will be issued only if we cancel the show. If we have to cancel a performance, we will email all patrons as soon as the decision is made. Information will also be posted on our website and social media. We will not refund unused tickets if we have not canceled the performance. 

Can I give my tickets to someone else?

Yes! Our new ticketing platform offers the ability to transfer tickets to someone else via an email address. If you received your ticket via email or text just click the link on the ticket that says “transfer ticket” and follow the instructions. Of course you can also do it the old fashioned way by just handing them the physical ticket too.

Why is the final price I pay for my ticket more than the price listed on the website?

Final ticket price includes all sales taxes and ticket processing fees. Ticket processing fees are 5% + $0.85 per ticket.

Where do I park?

The Theatre Parking lot is equipped with 8 handicap parking stalls and over 130 regular parking spaces. As the theatre seats up to 298 patrons, additional parking is available to the North of the building on Congressional Drive during performances. More parking is also available in spaces along Bauer Farm Drive. Please do not park in areas blocking the roundabout or our neighbor’s drives.

Can I ride my bike to a show or class?

There are two bike racks on the Theatre property thanks to local artist, Kate Dineen and the Lawrence Central Rotary Club and ride Lawrence. One is located by the main entrance and the other on the North side of the building near the stage door.

Is there food or drink available?

For most performances our bar, The Cove, is open before the show and during intermission. We offer full bar service, coffee (from Z’s Divine Espresso), sodas, specialty cocktails, and non-alcoholic beers, wines, and specialty drinks (courtesy of Nostalgia Room). We also sell Eileen’s Colossal Cookies. Patrons are welcome to take drinks and food into the auditorium. Outside food and drink are not allowed.

Is there a lost and found?

We’ve all done it. You get home from an event and can’t find your scarf, keys, or that odd thing you know was in your purse. Ushers go through the auditorium following every performance, any items found are held at the lost and found located at the front desk. If an item has contact information (such as a wallet or purse) we will attempt to contact the person. Items will be held in the lost and found for 60 days, after which they may be discarded. 

Can I bring children to the show?

Many of our shows are targeted specifically for a broad all ages audience. That said, there are shows which due to language or subject matter may not be appropriate for all ages. Use your own judgement when deciding to bring a child with you to a show – you know your child better than we do. If you are unsure if a show is appropriate, please contact the box office and we will be happy to discuss a show’s content prior to your ticket purchase.

Do kids need a ticket?

Every human being who enters the auditorium is required to have a ticket, even if they are not sitting in an actual seat. We strongly discourage bringing infants to any performance – not because we are mean. An upset infant can ruin the entire performance for other audience members and distract the performers. 


Is the theatre accessible?

Our facility is designed to be fully accessible. There are six to eight wheelchairs accessible (plus companion seats) in the auditorium. An elevator is available to take patrons to all three levels of the building. Accessible restrooms are available on the main and lower levels. There are eight handicap parking spots in the parking lot.

Are there hearing assistant devices?

Thanks to Lawrence Otolaryngology and Sertoma, we have installed the Loop Hearing System. If your hearing aid or cochlear implant uses a T-Coil or Telecoil Aid, our sound system will directly connect to your device. If you are using another hearing assistance device, we also provide headsets that can be checked out from the “Will Call” counter in the lobby prior to the show.

Are performances audio described?

Thanks to services provided by Audio Reader Network, audio description is available for some performances for visually impaired persons. Before the show, the program is read and the theater layout (including aisles, bathrooms, and exits) is described. During the performance, volunteers will describe sets, costumes, action and facial expressions. To listen, pick up a listening device from volunteers stationed across from the box office. Describers broadcast directly to these devices without disruption to the surrounding audience.

Does TL provide sign language interpretation?

Upon request we will provide American Sign Language interpretation of performances. To request sign language services, please contact the theatre at least three weeks prior to desired performance so we can make arrangements with the interpreting service.

Does the theatre have an AED?

Yes! Thanks to the generous donation from the Henning Foundation, the Theatre is equipped with two Automated External Defibrillators. One is located backstage, the other near the main restrooms and water fountain on the East side of the building.

Theatre Etiquette

How should I dress?

There is no dress code – come as you are! Some people like to dress up for a night out at the theatre, but it’s up to you.

Can I meet the cast following the show?

Cast members, at their own discretion, will come out to greet friends and family members in the lobby (generally near the restrooms) following the performance. Before coming out they must change out of costumes, so please be patient. Audience members are not permitted on the set, backstage, in the greenroom, or dressing rooms.

Can I take photos or video?

Pictures and video are not allowed during performances. You can take pictures before the show and during intermission. In fact, we provide free Wi-Fi and encourage you to post your pre-show or intermission pictures on social media to tell your friends that you are at the show! Taking any pictures or video during the actual performance, however, is strictly prohibited (and in fact illegal). Those who violate this rule may be asked to leave.

Do kids need a ticket?

Every human being who enters the auditorium is required to have a ticket, even if they are not sitting in an actual seat. We strongly discourage bringing infants to any performance – not because we are mean. An upset infant can ruin the entire performance for other audience members and distract the performers. 

I can talk on my phone, check my social media, and stare at my screen at full brightness the entire show, right?

No. We reserve the right to remove disruptive audience members from the show. You are at the theatre, just enjoy the experience.

Still have a question?

Click the contact button below.

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